Dovetail in the Community

A pillar underlying Dovetail Development’s existence is paying it forward and making a difference. Dovetail takes pleasure in giving back a portion of its earnings to help noble institutions fulfil their mission and make a difference in the world. As a company, Dovetail makes numerous donations throughout the year to support various causes, such as Kiva, Bali Street Dogs and Balibo Kindy, with some funds also being raised from corporate events Dovetail has hosted specifically.

In addition to these corporate donations, Dovetail’s Director, Cameron Bloomfield, also supports various other charities through his sporting endeavours, including:

  • The National Breast Cancer Foundation
  • Royal Children’s Hospital Appeal
  • Smiling for Smiddy
  • Baker Heart Institute
  • The Fred Hollows Foundation
  • Melbourne City Mission

Dovetail will continue to support these worthy causes and invites you to partner with us to contribute to making the world a better place.

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Phone: (03) 9583 3486


Address: Level 1, 98 Bluff Road Black Rock VIC 3193